I recently went strawberry picking in QLD. That's when you go to a strawberry farm and get to pick your own farm-fresh-still-warm-from-the-sun-and-on-the-vine-with-bugs-on-them strawberries.
On arriving at the farm, I sought out the foreman who was napping near the entrance to the office. I gave him a pat, got myself a bucket and proceeded to the strawberry patch.
There I was confronted by rows and rows and ROWS of strawberries! And it was hot and quiet and I thought it'd be a really nice spot to sit amongst the vines and read a book or sleep, but I am not sure that is the done thing on a strawberry farm. So I picked my fill instead, going about it leisurely so as to prolong the enjoyment.
I quickly filled my bucket which was later weighed to be 1.2 kilos of strawberries After leaving the farm, I found a grassy spot in the shade where I sat down and ate my strawberries. I also met a nice horse.
The End.
The End.
PS. Oh yeah, this is about cakes and shit hey. Strawberries are good for decorating cakes or when dipped in chocolate make a decadent treat, like these chocolate dipped strawberries with white swirls.
You could woo your vegan lover with these too, since I discovered the invention of dairy-free white chocolate. Thanks to my cool friend Lee for taking this photo and making my chocolate strawberries look so fancy schmancy.
I want to go strawberry picking so badly now.